
Hello!!! I am Catherine Renée. I currently live in New York City with my German husband, who I met while studying abroad in China. Slightly confusing, but to say its a multi-national romance is an understatement. I LOVE traveling and writing and therefore, blogging is an obvious choice.

I started this blog back in 2012 when I was studying abroad (for the 2nd time in college) in Paris, as a way to inform my family and close friends of my trips throughout my semester. I kept it up for awhile but then eventually life happened, work and netflix took over all my time and the blog fell into history. Basically I got incredibly lazy, more so than I already am, and that was the end of the blog. BUT I have brought it back and I am more energized than ever. Mainly because I have binge watched pretty much every show available, unfortunately have become addicted to some shitty reality tv shows, and  I am patiently waiting for Game of Thrones to come back on tv, so I have comes to terms that I need a new hobby. Blogging it is! Anything to get me to do something mildly useful and start exploring again, am I right!?

I love reading my old posts about my travels, reading about my favorite restaurants and sharing these stories with my friends or friends of friends traveling to other places. I’ve decided to take a less narcissistic approach (I know its going to be so hard for me) and get my friends incorporated into the scene. I have so many lovely friends from throughout my life scattered from coast to coast and country to country and they have stories and places to share. I want this site to be a one stop shop for unique and easy travel advice for young adults wanting to explore every corner of the world.

Do you want to share about your home? I would love to hear all about your favorite spots and hidden gems so please reach out at therovingblonde@gmail.com

7 thoughts on “About

    • Tsechi,

      Thank you so much for your excellent advice. As you well know, I am partly native American, so although I haven’t published that on my blog.. technically… we are an interracial couple.

      You are insane.
      Love you

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